Step 2
Domain Options
Step 3
Step 5


Choose Currency:

Customize your Web Space and Bandwidth - Customize your hosting package. Choose the web space and bandwidth as you need and pay prorated. Upgrade any time you need. It's very flexible. Yearly payment only.

Every package has the following features/specifications:
Linux Server: RHE - Quad Core Intel
Unlimited web/pop mail
Unlimited Auto-responder
Unlimited Mail Forwarding
Unlimited sub-domains
Unlimited mySQL Databases
Unlimited Postgresql Databases
Unlimited FTP
CGI, HTML, PHP, Perl, JS, etc.
Web-based Control Panel - (always the latest stable version)
Pre-installed scripts
Softaculous (Very good)

Secure Transaction This order form is provided in a secure environment and to help protect against fraud your current IP address ( is being logged.