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How to use WHM - User Guide (complex)

WebHost Manager® (WHM) User Guide

This documentation describes the WHM interface and how you can use it to manage your server.

These documents pertain to cPanel 11.25. For cPanel 11.24 documentation, click here.

For cPanel 11.25 release notes, click here.


  • Initial Setup Wizard — This document describes the steps in the Initial Setup wizard, which runs the first time you access WHM.


  • WHM Home Screen — This set of documents describes the features available to you when you access the WHM home screen.


  • WHM News— This document provides information about the News link located at the top of the WHM interface. This feature provides any new information regarding our company and products.


  • WHM Change Log — This document provides information about the Change Log link provided at the top of the WHM interface. This feature tracks and lists changes in our software.


  • WHM Glossary — This document reviews a number of essential terms used in the WHM documentation.


  • Scripts — This document provides a brief lists of scripts that are available to you in the /scripts directory when cPanel and WHM is installed.






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